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I'm a New Hampshire based artist currently pursuing my BFA. Contact me for commission info!

  For my senior show I want to create a series of drawings that illustrate in a visual way how each of these invisible disabilities affect me and how I feel with them as I have a condition called IST Dysautonomia that effects my day-to-day life, and even my artwork. The theme of my show overall is making invisible conditions into visual representations to educate and relate to others about these unseen conditions. Each piece is titled with the condition they are representing to try to illustrate in a clear way what the artwork is meant to represent. I’m working in a 9x12 range as it’s what is accessible for me to make with my disability. I’m exploring my own identity as someone who is disabled by making myself the primary subject in these works, it’s in a way a form of acceptance and embracing that this is part of my life and always will be.I started my journey of being disabled at 19, and at first it was a hard to accept, I went many years just trying to ignore it, pushing myself to hard and trying to be “normal” I’m not sure exactly what made me jump full force into acceptance and embracing it, but over the last 3 years I’ve been learning to love myself as I am and in a way this making a show about invisible disabilities is my way of embracing full acceptance, and in doing so I’m in a place to educate others now on my experience.

About the Artist: Bio
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